What are the best seals for pressure sprayers?
This depends on what chemicals you are spraying. Flourocarbon (trade name Viton) is the best overall resistant material to the widest range of chemicals. However, it is more expensive than other materials and may not be necessary. Nitrile (or Buna N) is lower in cost and is suitable for many water based chemicals. Ask our staff for more information.
As a very general guide: –
Viton can be used for solvents, acids, oils and others
Nitrile can be used for water based products, insecticides, weed killers and others
Are your sprayers chemically compatible?
Chemical products often comprise of many different chemicals which can effect the component materials of the sprayer (e.g. swelling or corrosion). The concentration of these chemicals and the temperature can give different results. Time is another factor – a component may not show any reaction used many times in a short period but can show a reaction when used a few times over a long period. How long do you need the sprayer/dispenser to last? 1 day? 1 week? 6 months? We can therefore, only advise as to whether our products are suitable for use with general chemical components and recommend you carry out trials to ensure compatibility with your own formulation.
How can I tell what chemicals are in my product?
Ask your supplier if they can provide a Safety Data Sheet. It should show a list of the main chemicals components with the concentrations expressed as a percentage. This will help us to give you advice.
get in touch by email or phone 01926 482841.